Success Stories

  • “Vision to Reality”

Due to our professional approach, high level training and results-orientated service, most of our business comes from referrals. Please read the comments submitted by some of our valued clients.

Dear Dolly I’m so glad that you encouraged me to move to another step and follow my dream of working as a real professional . Things are going quite well, and I truly enjoy what I’m doing. Your words of wisdom were instrumental in my decision to finally take the plunge, and your background in the business gave me such insight into what I was getting into. I can honestly say that I might never have taken this step if it weren’t for your support and confidence in me. I credit much of my success to you.Thank you again for believing in me and helping me to believe in myself.


"She always guides people to do great things and tries her best to bring a smile on people's faces. She is an extremely gifted coach with solid expertise and a unique way of delivering courses which is often mixed with humour."

Ms Bhashmee Sumputh | HR Co-ordinator - Exotic Group

Dolly is an excellent coach and trainer. She is able to motivate and challenge a diverse group of course participants in learning, exercising and sharing new skills and insights in leadership and management. Her enthusiasm is refreshing and her calm assurance encourages deep reflection where necessary.

Bernard Yen | Managing Director - Aon Hewitt Ltd

I have no doubt that Dolly is a valuable trainer who is able to captivate one’s attention very easily during a training session and can prove to be a most valuable asset as an executive coach.

Robert Wong | Finance Director of BCE

This coaching program has definitely help me grow my leadership skills and contributed positively in my daily job performance. Coaching is great and gives you the wing to fly high and react positively to different situation. I have now a better vision of my team and the coaching will definitely help me in my future decision-making. I can now have a clear picture of my work environment and take decision about my future development strategy. It will help me perform in much different and positive way and be closer to my team. Dolly has been of a great support and the way she coaches is excellent and I would recommend it to any body. I believe that coaching is a must and should be an ongoing process along your career path.

Olivier de Robillard | Sales & Marketing Manager | Axess Ltd

The coaching had a very positive & rich impact on both my life and work performance. It has helped me to work authentically and courageously on my top life priorities, focus more and dig deep in my personal strengths and values. The new insights acquired have allowed me to face my obstacles, take time to reflect,set up SMART goals to move forward positively and with commitment. Since being coached by Dolly my relationship with others have considerably improved and I am definitely more confident and motivated. Dolly is an excellent coach

Mrs C Wong-Goupille | Director | Color Attitude Gallery

Through the years, I had developed a lot of apprehension and doubt concerning my business and capacities, and I noticed that I was becoming less productive, less motivated and thus leading to lack of confidence and this was reflecting both on my personal and business aspects. The coaching sessions with Dolly really helped me to first of all, take notice of what was my reality, to clarify my needs and wants and also helped me to become more confident and responsible and to set my priorities right. Today, thanks to Dolly’s coaching and tools, I am able to focus on how to achieve my goals on a short term and long-term basis, on how to undertake first things first. Today this feeling is great, as I know HOW to GET THERE, SLOWLY BUT SURELY. Personally, Dolly is my perfect coach, as she is a wonderful person above being a coach, not only can she help a person to ‘make up his/her mind’ but she touches the person’s soul too. For me that is her big strength, she made me realize the uniqueness of my little’ person and I came out strengthen and feeling HUMAN AND ALIVE.

Mrs D Lim How | Director | Finesse Beauty Salon

I have really enjoyed having you as a trainer for the mastermind leadership program of John Maxwell. The training sessions were highly interactive and insightful. I was particularly appreciative of the fact that you managed to get, and to keep, all the course participants interested and involved. Your passion for training and development could be felt. Your subject knowledge was also quite impressive as you did not hesitate to refer to other leadership theories and to draw from the work of other management writers to illustrate a point, answer a question or convey a point across. I have found the training sessions very helpful and an unforgettable experience. Your teaching has made a difference and I feel that I am now better prepared in my role as one of the senior executives of a listed company in Mauritius. I am very much looking forward to the next leadership program that you will be facilitating. Good luck in your future endeavours.

Jean Pierre Lim Kong | Chief Finance Executive Cim Group

This coaching makes me feel more relax & calm, To take decision with more regress. The coaching was made in a very professional way. Very good approach.My objectives are now clear, I know exactly where I want to go and how my staff & myself will get there. More Confidence in decisions.

G Toulet | Director | Body & Paint Department | Axess Ltd

Dolly is a very warm and caring coach. I feel very supported by her.
Throughout our sessions, I was more in touch with my feelings about various issues (something which I need to do more often as opposed to frequently operating in a “thinking”, logical mode).
Dolly asked good questions and helped me formulate action plans which I followed to fulfill my goals. The topics we discussed were varied (e.g. healthy eating and exercise plans, strategies to be more assertive at work and cope with long working hours and time pressures.)
Dolly also managed the sessions really well and we ended the sessions with me being much clearer as to what I needed to do and how to manage myself such that I improve my general well-being.
I thoroughly enjoyed my sessions with Dolly.
Dolly - Thank you very much!

Mrs Kim Lim | Director | London, UK

The coaching sessions with Dolly were performed in a regular schedule. The coach showed great compassion and a very good understanding of business needs and entrepreneurs' concerns, exactly what I needed from her as a coach.
Dolly is also a very calm and charming person. These characteristics helped to gain self-belief and to take away self-made worries or negative concerns.

Mathias Reindl | Berlin, Germany

The whole experience was amazing for me. It helped me to be the person It helped me to be the person that always was deep inside of me. We used the expression of being an ostrich, always burying things in the sand. Now I am an Elephant leaving big footprints wherever I go (being a positive impact). It was very emotional to o as I was able to express myself and get out all of the hurts and sorrows that I was keeping inside for so long. So thanks to Mrs Cheung for the great work and help in moving forward for the future.

Andrew Mitchell | Factory Manager | South Africa

Dolly worked with our maintenance department, a team of 20 (Manager, Engineer, officers and technicians). The objective was to change their individual and collective behaviours and to boost their development to create a highly performant team, dedicated to the success of the company.Dolly makes everybody at ease rapidly ; she is a good listener, feels people and situations and adapts her process accordingly. She is Mauritian and knows very well all the cultural aspects that have to be considered. She is results oriented and works with methodology but she is also highly adaptable. Our maintenance team adopted Dolly rapidly and was impacted by her process and tools : they worked on their values, had discussions on images/stories… there were strong milestones in the process of change : people became connected in a different and deep sense.

Caroline RAULT | Deputy General Manager | Maurilait Production Ltée

During the several sessions, it was clearly visible that the maintenance department started to behave and work as a team rather than just a group of people put together. Indeed, team spirit became substantial among these people. Dolly showed us all how to appreciate and focus on our talents and potentials; a change which is very useful as we humans tend to always look at what we do not have and/or what we are not. She shed lights on some profound truths about ourselves as she explained that we should accept and recognise who we are and where we stand if ever we want to progress in life. After that, we should be ready to let go of our “old nature” like the eagle to fully grasp the good things life has in store for us.

Patrick Peroomal | Maintenance Manager | MAURILAIT PRODUCTION LTEE

Coaching makes you change your mindset and see things differently. It can confuse at first, even hurt but then you realise that the only one who can change you is yourself. The coach is with you along this path to take the needed actions to start to change yourself.

Mrs Tiina Fabre | Newskills Ltd | Food & Allied Group